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Compton, CA–Tomorrow in Compton’s Council Chambers there will be a swearing in ceremony for Andre Spicer, after a Judge ruled Friday to overturn…
South Central, Los Angeles–After the disinvestment, marginalization, institutional racism and the blind eye that was turned during the crack bombing of inner city L.A,…
South LA’s ‘daycrawler’: The Man Who’s Captured L.A’s Gun Violence For 20 years
Los Angeles, CA–Nash Baker is an integral and often overlooked part of L.A’s Black media landscape. He has been dedicated to providing Black Los…
Video: “When The Gangs in L.A Unite It’s Over For Racism and White Supremacy”
South Central, Los Angeles–Mayor Eric Garcetti joined Black Los Angeles to commemorate 30 years since the 1992 gang truce that happened between the Bloods…
Glenn Plummer Star Of The Film “South Central” At The Pan African Film Festival
Los Angeles, CA–30 years have now passed since the 1992 Los Angeles riots that started in South Central following the beating of Rodney King.…
I sat down with former L.A drug kingpin Freeway Rick Ross for my podcast Slauson Girl Speaks. We discuss the issues of Black male…
South Central, Los Angeles–City Council District 9 is perceived to be “mainly Latino” and Dulce Vasquez who is a migrant from Mexico,…
Interviews On April 21, District 9 City Councilman Curren Price redirected over $5.5 Million to organizations in South Central. In a special reception,… A documentary about the Hip-Hop Cops.
Los Angeles, CA–Bossedup Chanso is the founder of The Griiind, a production company he founded in 2019, helping artists build brand equity through strategic…
Downtown, Los Angeles–Drakeo The Ruler’s family were joined by fans and the Nation of Islam for a vigil in Downtown Los Angeles following the…
Drakeo The Ruler Mother Says She Plans To File Lawsuit After L.A Stabbing
South Central, Los Angeles–Over the weekend Los Angeles was rocked with the loss of another prominent Black rapper. Drakeo The Ruler, born Darrell Caldwell,…
Los Angeles, CA–Nipsey Hussle’s alleged killed Eric Holder was in court last week for a pre-trial hearing, where his lawyer requested to extend the…
“The Daughter of Maurice and Pamela Hill of Makedas Cookies has heard everything that the internet has accused her and her family of surrounding…
Los Angeles, CA–Slauson Girl is a freelance journalist and writer from South Central Los Angeles. She provides world news with a South Central…