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Trinidad’s Civic Club met with local Native American Tribal Councils today to decide together, the new location of the memorial lighthouse.
Mayor And City Manager of Trinidad Halt Civic Club’s Project Amid Lighthouse Occupation
“The slide shows, they are nice, but we should probably talk about real issues that brought us here.” [dropcap]S[/dropcap]ince early this morning different meetings…
Day 1 About 25 protestors stood in front of the lighthouse along the street with signs. Although they did not organize the protest themselves,…
Dolores Huerta At Humboldt State University: The Power of Grassroots Organizing
[dropcap]D[/dropcap]olores Huerta is beloved in the Hispanic community as well as respected in the activist world. She has devoted much of her life… [dropcap]T[/dropcap]rap (Take.Risk.And.Prosper) Kitchen is the story of two Black men from Compton who put their differences aside to focus on the bigger picture–putting…
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]y desire to attend college was merely my plan to escape the inner city. I was trying to escape being trapped in the midst…
Leimert Park, CA–In case you missed it, Leimert Park Community Fridge is no longer outside of Hot and Cool Cafe. After a year…