[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter two months of requests by the Lawson family, the Arcata Police Department has released a statement regarding a fake Craigslist post, blaming David Josiah Lawson’s friend for his murder.
The Craigslist post appeared in May, a week after Kyle Zoellner’s release.
“it was YOU Bro ! I know we are Brothers but I just cant get it out of my mind what I saw that night.i cant sleep at night.im hot and sweaty and so fuckin confused.I keep trying to block it out and change you from stabbing our President Josiah ,trying to change it to the whiteboy stabbing Josiah.But I cant,,i cant get it out of my head what I saw,and YOU know what I’m talking bout.YOU tried to stab the whiteboy while Josiah was holding him..and then…..Fuck nigga,,i cant get it out of my head,,,YOU missed the whiteboy and stabbed Josiah !!!!! I forgive you,i know it was an accident.Please forgive me God for not coming forward or if I’m wrong but it all happened so fast.”
This frivolous post gave rise to many accusing Chandler of Lawson’s murder– who provided life-saving efforts to Lawson as he lay bleeding out at a house party.
According to the Arcata Police Department:
“Arcata Police Department continues an active investigation into the murder of David Josiah Lawson. Recently posts accusing Lawson’s friend, Elijah Chandler, of being a suspect under investigation have surfaced. These posts are false and are not rooted in any investigation facts.
The Arcata Police Department has identified the source of the initial posts. The individual had no personal knowledge of the incident or the investigation.
The APD encourages additional individuals who attended the party where Lawson was stabbed at any time on the night of Friday, April 14 or the morning of April 15 to reach out to the Police Department, provide a recollection of any party details and answer related questions.
The Police Department also reminds the public that misleading social media posts not only cause real damage to individuals in the community but also take vital resources away from other important investigations.
To contact the Arcata Police Department, call (707) 822-2428 during normal business hours, or (707) 822-2424 after hours and on weekends.”