Elijah Cummings was a fearless and tireless advocate for the city of Baltimore, his hometown. Born the son of a sharecropper in January of 1951, Cummings would go on to become chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, holding various roles in politics along the way.
Cummings passed away from what doctors described as longstanding health issues early this morning.
According to the Hill:
“In the past year, Cummings relied on the use of a walker and motorized scooter to get around even as he continued at a frenetic pace in the Capitol, leading televised committee hearings and giving interviews to reporters.”
Despite any ailments, Cummings still managed to maintain his role as one of the most important figures of Black congress. He was 68.
Read More: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/466219-rep-elijah-cummings-dies-at-age-68