Windsor Hills–The older sister of Nicole Linton, Camille, has created a website to provide context on Nicole’s life. Bail was denied recently for the traveling nurse who killed 6 people, including a toddler and unborn baby.
Linton drove through a red light going over 100 mph in the Windsor-Hills community of Los Angeles, causing a fiery car crash Aug 4.
Linton’s sister hopes the website will share her sisters struggle with mental health in recent years.
More importantly, the family is hoping to open further dialogue around not only mental health awareness, but the grounds in which Linton is currently charged.
I’m sure by now, a lot of you have heard about my sister Nicole Linton, who was involved in a tragic accident in Los Angeles on August 4th that resulted in the death of 6 people. For the past 6 weeks, we chose to remain silent out of our deepest respect and sympathy for the victim’s families and allow the facts to come out through the court proceedings.
The website is divided into several parts including:
- . Nicole’s Mental Health Struggles
- 2. Nicole’s Journey as a Travel Nurse
- 3. The Day of the Accident
- 4. Is There Anything the Family or Nicole Could’ve Done Differently?
- 5. Murder vs. Manslaughter
- 6. Who is Nicole Linton
It details Linton’s drive to pursue a nursing degree in the field of anesthesia. The family believes the weight of her workload, may have taken a toll on her mental health.
It was such a great achievement, and we were all so proud of her. Out of 400 applicants, she was one of the 20 that got accepted into the program. It is also very hard to get into a CRNA program with only 1.5 years of experience as a nurse. So, in 2017 she started this very intense program and she was finally on track to achieve her goal.
Linton experienced her first manic episode May 2018, resulting with her being diagnosed as bipolar.
Up until that point, there was nothing that would’ve led me or other family members to believe that she had a mental illness of any sort.
Linton was experiencing extreme levels of anxiety when her sister came to visit her in Texas in 2018, where she was working and enrolled in nursing classes.
Read More: https://slausongirl.com/was-nicole-l-linton-trying-to-commit-suicide-in-los-angeles-car-crash/
Linton refused to go to the hospital, saying she worked around nurses who made mistakes all the time and she did not trust them. She would eventually agree to go to a facility, where she smashed her head through a glass window.
I managed to convince her to go with me to see a student counselor at UT Health. When we got there, she started getting really anxious again but she was able to calm herself down enough to finally speak with the person. The counselor was somehow able to convince her to voluntarily bring herself into a psychiatric treatment facility and they even provided us with a campus police escort.
Nicole was hospitalized a second time in 2019, shortly after visiting Jamaica with her sisters.
After she got out, her doctor had cleared her to return to school. It was at that moment when her dreams to become a CRNA ended because she did not go back to school after that and simply went back to working as a nurse.
Visit: nicolelintonstory.com