It appears so. Tonight the Hip-Hop superstar tweeted,
The Trump administration is working overtime to use Black men to secure their vote in the upcoming 2020 election. First Kanye West, then Ice Cube and now, Lil Wayne.

Of course, this sent the majority of the Black community into a rage. The continued use of Black men, specifically in the Hip-Hop community, being used as endorsements of the Black community is low.
“Middle class black people we have to understand that once these black folks get rich they are NOT for us! Smh embarrassing SELL OUT! Deleting all your music.”
“Wait a min…..Can Lil Wayne even vote???! SKSKSKSK”
“Just so it’s clear, Lil Wayne, Kayne West, Ice Cube, Candace Owens, 50 Cent don’t speak on behalf of black people, they speak on behalf of their own grifting wallets which is now labeled MAGA Platinum Plan. I hope that message is loud and clear.”
The main reason the community is so upset, is because there are countless Black people who are more well-versed in politics, especially at the local level, that Trump should be speaking to about his plan for Black America.
The only thing Donald Trump can offer Black’s with money, is a tax break, while a large majority of the Black community struggle daily to survive.