Arcata ,CA–The 15-month mark of David Josiah Lawson’s unsolved homicide is quickly approaching. With no new suspects in custody it leaves many to wonder…
“The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge the evils…
Trinidad’s Civic Club met with local Native American Tribal Councils today to decide together, the new location of the memorial lighthouse.
Day 1 About 25 protestors stood in front of the lighthouse along the street with signs. Although they did not organize the protest themselves,…
[dropcap]D[/dropcap]olores Huerta is beloved in the Hispanic community as well as respected in the activist world. She has devoted much of her life…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]erms such as microaggressions, unconscious bias, diversity, and inclusion are all too familiar to me. During my time as a student at Humboldt State,…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he final episode of a six part docu-series about Kalief Browder aired last night on SpikeTV. Kalief was a young man who committed suicide…
“The way these labels try to deal with rappers got me fucking mad like I’m watching roots.” Nipsey Hussle- “Like Me” Mailbox Money I am particularly…
(Originally published 2015 in Humboldt State University’s newspaper, The Lumberjack under my weekly column Slauson Girl Speaks) [dropcap]W[/dropcap]riting about things such as race is…