“They all in collusion, these racist institutions, double standard acting like they not the reason why we ruthless.” – Nipsey Hussle “Bigger than life”
It has been three weeks now since our hometown hero Nipsey Hussle was gunned down on the same property he recently became the owner of. It is extremely devastating, disheartening and disgusting the ways the lives of Black men continue to be cut short in our inner cities. Whether at the hands of police, or another gang-member.
The cycle of gang violence and street politics have led Black men down a one-road street since their inception. Our inner cities cannot move forward, until the current climate of gangs are completely eradicated. Or the energy is redirected for good.
Following Nipsey Hussle’s death, the internet went crazy with conspiracy theories. The main one was that Nipsey was killed by the government over wanting to do a documentary about Dr. Sebi. If I was not in L.A when the shooting happened and did not have an ear to the streets, the conspiracy theories would be more believable.
Despite hearing the “street version” of what happened to Nipsey Hussle, the conspiracy theories still makes one raise an eyebrow.
Simply because our whole experience as Black people in America has been a conspiracy, meant to keep us in a position of subjugation and arrested development.
From the time our ancestors were stolen from their native lands, the conspiracy began. Africans brought to America were stripped of their culture through a methodical process. For centuries our captors inflicted upon us centuries of rape, murder and exploitation.
All this was done in the name of white supremacy on a mission of conquest and domination.
Ever since Black’s in America escaped the shackles of slavery and embarked on their journey of self determination, we were met with violent resistance from the power structure and white society. Ever since the Black Power movement of the 1960’s, every time a Black messiah has risen up with the power to unify people through their message, they have been killed. From Martin, Malcom, to Tupac.
The ways the Black Panther Party and other Black groups or organizations were infiltrated by paid informants, who fell victim to the dollar, is something every Black person should know.
The enemy hides their hand by paying our own kind to carry out their devilish plots and the history of this is well documented.
This is the real, breathing forces of evil that Black’s in America are dealing with and the majority of us are blindsided by these realities thanks to social media and poisoned, corporate, rap music.
This is why the conspiracy theories in Nipsey Hussle’s case were so believable.
Here is a reformed gang-member with his feet planted in his community, who through sheer intelligence, business acumen and a great team, was able to rise from a street-hustler to a legitimate businessman. Nipsey Hussle owned several businesses, brought opportunity and hope to his community and had multiple streams of income besides rap.
He talked about not being exploited by white American music companies and controlling your art and community through ownership.
This in itself is a threat to the racist power structure set in place to keep inner city Black’s in a state of arrested development, to feed the prison industrial complex.
But let’s be real here. Who needs a government conspiracy when you have real-live street politics operating at such dangerous levels. Black on Black crime is indeed a real issue, due to the self-hatred our people have developed, thinking their conditions are somehow their own fault. When in reality, our experience as Black people in inner cities across the U.S, have been strategically created thanks to racist housing practices, racism in the workforce and the disenfranchisement of our communities.
Nipsey Hussle’s story represents the adaptation that goes on in our inner cities. It is extremely difficult for the young, Black-male growing up in the inner city, especially gang land of Los Angeles, to escape the gang culture which permeates inner city society.

Based solely on the area code you happen to live in, you are forced to claim street ties, or fall prey to becoming belittled or assaulted by those suffering from groupthink. Unless you come from the ghetto, one can not begin to really understand how gang culture continues to rule as law of the land and how hard it is to escape these traps of violence and genocide.
“Cuz where yo momma paid rent, that was yo gang. So when yo homeboy bled, that was yo pain. When yall catch a case you don’t say no names. It’s just the code that’s the color of my shoe strings.”

Nipsey Hussle’s story speaks to the brilliant minds of young Black men in our inner cities and how being forced to adapt to their environment, can be one of the most destructive forces of limiting their true potential.
At his funeral, Nipsey’s brother Black Sam delivered a touching eulogy describing how Nipsey Hussle, then just a young Ermias, put together a computer from different parts he collected. The whole family was amazed at his accomplishment, but also learned that Ermias was tapped in with the power of his mind at such a young age.
Imagine a young Ermias, void of inner city gangs, all the possibilities of his life. Once you are on gang file and wear felony charges like the scarlet letter, it is hard to break into and be accepted within the culture of white America.
“Told my momma I’m a gang-bang graduate. The transition from this cripping wasn’t easy nigg* but I mastered it.” – Nipsey Hussle “Blue Laces”
Our lived realities are too raw and complex for the boardroom, so we are left to play street chess and pray for survival. Nipsey Hussle’s story speaks to the lack of access and opportunity of Black men trapped in our inner cities and how the spirit of the hustle is their only hope for betters days. Whether that is narcotics, music, food or other products.
With the passing of Nipsey Hussle, it is time to really take several moments to analyze the climate of our inner cities. Yes white supremacy has played a leading role in shaping the conditions and mindset of many young, Black males. It is necessary, therefore, to continue to understand we are at war. A war in our inner city streets, and a war inflicted upon the poor of the world.
1 Comment
Beautifully written.