Los Angeles, CA–The lack of Black women on air in Los Angeles Hip-Hop radio is almost disrespectful. There are between 1-2 Black women on the two major L.A Hip-Hop stations, 92.3 and 105.9.
If I can make the phone tap, I still turn on Big Boy’s morning show if I am in the car. Obviously, there have been some changes to his show throughout the years, such as co-host and a change of stations, but his essence and influence in L.A radio remains the same.
Now that I am back from college, you can guess my disappointment when I realized Big Boy does not have any Black women co-host. Why does that matter? If you asked that question, I don’t think you should even be reading this piece, or call yourself a fan of Hip-Hop.
This means nothing to those who are not in tune with the anti-Blackness that permeates our society. Knowing this, I am always noting where Black people are represented within industry, and where we are not, whether that is local or global.
In Los Angeles, Black people are not always represented in places of business. With that being said, Black people and Black women in particular, should at least be represented in our culture.
This includes Los Angeles Hip-Hop radio. Shouts out to 105.9, at least they have Black women representation, but there is still an overrepresentation of non-Black people.

Recently, Nick Cannon was brought on air to 105.9. This move came after The Cruz Show moved from 105.9, to 92.3, where Big Boy had recently moved.
Nick Cannon is someone whose journey I highly respect. He also gives so many opportunities to up and coming talent with his platforms. This piece is no shade against Nick Cannon or any of the host. At this point, the elephant in the room just needs to be addressed.

If no one is calling out these things that make you raise an eyebrow, no one in positions of power will give it a second thought. There needs to be more Black women hired as DJ’s and co-host to stations claiming to be the number one source for Hip-Hop in Los Angeles.

A couple months back, I called 105.9 to inquire on their lack of Black women, for a piece I wanted to write. I ended up in the marketing and or promotions department. Understanding this was not the department involved with hiring or screening applicants, I asked to be transferred to HR or programming. The woman on the phone inquired on what information I was seeking.
“I’m trying to understand why there is a lack of Black women in L.A radio.”
Once I said this, the lady became very short with me and attempted to hurry me off the phone. She then asked if I had called other stations to ask this question. I replied that I intended to. She then said something like, I was on a roll and that was, “just how things were,” before hanging up the phone.
I was in total disbelief. Not only did the woman hang up the phone in my face, if she did not want to talk about the subject, she could have just transferred me to another department like I was asking.
I guess they really just want Black culture without Black people, and Black women especially. I definitely see that in Los Angeles.