Los Angeles

Senator Kamala Harris Visits Southwest College in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA–Today Senator Kamala Harris is set to speak at Southwest Community College and the stop is being labeled as the first official rally in Los Angeles on her campaign trail. Harris announced earlier this year that she has placed her bid in the 2020 presidential election.

Community members were asked to RSVP ahead of time if they wanted to hear Harris Speak. According to ABC 4:

Harris will share her vision for America, encourage Californians to become involved in her campaign and lay out her plans to raise teacher pay, provide middle class tax relief and combat gun violence, according to Ian Sams, her campaign’s national press secretary.

Photo: Dyeyell Instagram

Slauson Girl is a South Central native who has a love for journalism, history and all things Hip-Hop. She holds a B.A in Critical Race & Gender Theory & a Minor in Journalism. Follow Me on IG @Slausongirl

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