
Criminal Investigation Launched Into DTLA Explosion That Injured A Dozen Firefighters

Los Angeles, CA–An explosion in downtown Los Angeles left a dozen firefighters injured yesterday. The fire is said to have started in a smoke shop that manufactured hash oil near San Pedro and Third St., close to senior housing and skid row. While firefighters attempted to put out the blaze, a blast from the fire injured more than a dozen firefighters and burned a fire-truck.

According to AP:

“The blast injured a dozen firefighters including some who ran out onto sidewalks, where they tore off their burning protective equipment including melted helmets, officials said.”

The fire has raised alarm and The Los Angeles Police Department are said to be be working with the Los Angeles Fire Department’s arson detectives to determine how exactly the fire started.

Read More: Investigators open criminal probe into LA explosion

Video: PM Breaking News, Kevin Takumi Twitter

Slauson Girl is a South Central native who has a love for journalism, history and all things Hip-Hop. She holds a B.A in Critical Race & Gender Theory & a Minor in Journalism. Follow Me on IG @Slausongirl

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