South Central Los Angeles--The Los Angeles Times published an article today, revealing that the city of Los Angeles are attempting to use gang-related activities as a way to enact “civil enforcement action” on the property at Slauson and Crenshaw.
This property has become the center of controversy following the assassination of Nipsey Hussle in this same lot March 31. Nipsey Hussle, 33, born Ermias Asghedom, purchased the property with real estate investor David Gross two months prior to his death.
Nipsey Hussle was shot and killed in the parking lot of this same property, after an interaction with Eric Holder, a member of the Rolling 60’s Street Gang Nipsey was also a member of.
Holder is currently in jail on murder charges in the shooting death of Nipsey Hussle.
In a statement released through the Cochran Law Firm Blacc Sam, born Samiel Asghedom, says that nothing will stop the completion of Nipsey Hussle Tower.
Nipsey was a true inspiration for the have nots. He was the people’s champ. He came from nothing and triumphed. He excelled in precarious situations. He had 100% respect from the streets. Because he lead by example, his honor and his sense of duty was at all times his moral compass. He struggled and fought for years. Sacrificed every day and often times choose to inspire rather than capitalize. So many times people tried to pull him away From the work he was doing in the community he grew up in. So many times people tried to suggest that he stop coming around and stop mingling with the people. They would say you made it, why are you still in the hood?
Nipsey knew what he was here to do his purpose was to inspire those who had no inspiration. He would show the people it can be done, “I’m just like you and I did it.” Believe in yourself and with hard work anything is possible. Educate yourself and always give back the same inspiration that helped you grow.
Nipsey was the black messiah, articulate, intelligent, charismatic, militant, genuine, authentic, and most of all he was teaching those that most didn’t want taught.
When a black man gains notoriety and attaches himself to the people, he is seen as a threat to the system. Investigations, smear campaigns, espionage, and intimidation tactics are always used to discredit and falsely incarcerate who they see as a threat.
Nipsey partnered with Dave gross to do a monumental development at the very location he started at, and also turned into a tourist attraction and a sort of Mecca that people from around the world wanted to come to and experience.
Regardless of anyone’s efforts to stop this from happening, Nipsey’s dream will be seen through and passed down to his children. The Nipsey Hussle Tower will inspire and show the people that even though you come from nothing you can achieve greatness. History will tell the story of Nipsey Hussle.
The Nipsey Hussle tower will be built and his legacy will be etched in stone and etched in the people hearts forever.
– Sam Asghedom

Read More:https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/59/30/2d40aa914951bddd74d4f54a1603/samiel-asghedoms-statement.pdf
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