Los Angeles–Today I sat in on a zoom call with the family of Dijon Kizzee along with their attorneys and Los Angeles Activist Najee Ali.
Dijon Kizzee’s aunt Fletcher Flair said during the zoom call that she wants people to understand that Dijon was a human first and foremost.
Flair says that she cares for her nephew just like people care for their nephew if you have any. She relayed that Kizzee went to Bret Harte and Washington in Los Angeles before moving to Lancaster. His mother had a bad accident where she severely injured her spine and Dijon cared for his mother—giving her medication and taking her to doctors appointments.
Flair says that she knows what goes on in the community–those who do not live here do not. She said she saw a young man killed by police on Vermont as they told him to get out his vehicle.
Attorney Ben Crump, Dale Galipo along with Carl Douglas have been retained on the case. Douglas says Kizzee’s shooting death by police is personal because he grew up on Denker in the 100’s–not too far from where Kizzee was killed by police.

The executioner gang in LASD also came up in conversation. Galipo says 15 plus shots is an execution. He brought attention to the fact that there have been over 600 murders by police in Los Angeles County and District Attorney Jackie Lacey has only prosecuted one police officer.
Read More: L.A. Protests Continue For Second Day After Black Man Dijon Kizzee Fatally Shot By Police
Kizzee’s family attorneys plan to file a claim for damages and a go fund me has been set up on behalf of the family. Attorney Crump says Kizzee’s only crime was biking while Black.
Those questioning why Kizzee ran upon being stopped by police while minding his business do not understand that many Black men simply do not want any contact with police for fear of their safety.
According to the Los Angeles Times:
Latiera Irby, 29, had stopped by her mother’s house Monday to get her hair done when Kizzee came up to her car — on the street where he was shot — as he was running from deputies.
“He said, ‘They’re coming to get me; they’re coming to get me,’” she said. Kizzee offered her money to drive him away. “I didn’t know who he was running from, so I told him no.”
Shortly after, she saw him get into a scuffle with a sheriff’s deputy. At one point, she said, the deputy backed away, then shot Kizzee. She said that deputy and another fired at Kizzee after he had fallen to the ground.
“He had nothing in his hands,” she said.
Support Dijon Kizzee’s go fund me Here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rm85x-justice-for-dijon-kizzee

Video: ABC 7