
Outdoor Dining Reopens in California, What Does That Mean For Los Angeles?

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Los Angeles, CA–Health officials along with California’s Governor Gavin Newsom lifted certain restrictions relating to coronavirus lockdowns this week, which includes allowing outdoor dining to resume. The news comes as Los Angeles County continues to be one of the epicenters of the coronavirus, with more deaths and cases reported than any other county in the U.S (Business Insider).

A new coronavirus variant has also been reported in L.A County. Crowded housing, the lack of access to healthcare for many low income families, as well as pre-existing health conditions are issues that only intensify coronavirus cases in Los Angeles. Just last month, California as a whole was placed on the “extremely high” coronavirus risk list which has many wondering why outdoor dining has been allowed to resume.

“Televisions or any other screens that are used to broadcast programming must be removed from the area or turned off,” the order also stipulates. “This provision is effective until further notice.”

Pandemic fatigue, along with many failing small businesses has many pushing for the reopening. Although outdoor dining has been allowed to resume, all non-essential businesses are still forced to remain closed.

Read More: Reopening LA County: Outdoor dining again allowed at restaurants, but without screens for TV broadcasts

Slauson Girl is a South Central native who has a love for journalism, history and all things Hip-Hop. She holds a B.A in Critical Race & Gender Theory & a Minor in Journalism. Follow Me on IG @Slausongirl

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