
Hip-Hop, White Supremacy & Capitalism

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Video from Jay-Z’s 2017 song “The story of O.J.”

“[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ip Hop, White Supremacy & Capitalism: Why Corporations Infiltrated RAP Music” exposes seldom discussed facts regarding the relationship between Hip-Hop and Corporations.

This film features Hip Hop artists like: Narubi Selah, Capital-X, The Welfare Poets, Jasiri-X and media activists like: Rosa Clemente, Dr. Jared Ball, Paul Porter and Solomon Comissiong.

This documentary also showcases a ton of Hip-Hop footage that places its focus in brilliant context for viewers. To say this film is a “MUST SEE” might be an understatement.

This film should be used as a tool to mobilize, galvanize and organize communities to reject Corporate backed Hip-Hop, create Alternative Media and to support Hip-Hop artists whose music uplifts, empowers and educates its audiences.”

Via YourWorldNewsFilms on Youtube


Slauson Girl is a South Central native who has a love for journalism, history and all things Hip-Hop. She holds a B.A in Critical Race & Gender Theory & a Minor in Journalism. Follow Me on IG @Slausongirl

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