A college admission counselor pleaded guilty today to accepting $25 million from a roster of elite and wealthy parents, to ensure their children were admitted to top universities including Yale, Stanford and USC. Authorities uncovered what they are calling the largest college bribery scandal in U.S history, which led to the indictment of 50 people by federal prosecutors.
Singer allegedly bribed college officials and coaches to doctor test scores and secure spots on college teams. Parents are said to have paid Singer anywhere from $200,000 to $6.5 million.
Singer was arrested and pleaded guilty in Boston today. He has also agreed to cooperate with police. The Los Angeles FBI also arrested 13 others today in connection to the case.
“At the center of the scandal are the Edge College & Career Network, also known as the Key, and a nonprofit organization, the Key Worldwide Foundation, that prosecutors say effectively were a single enterprise. They are accused of helping students cheat on standardized tests, and paying bribes to athletic coaches who could get the students into college using fake athletic credentials.”- The New York Times
The head soccer coach of Yale’s women’s team, Rudy Meredith, is also named in the suit. He was allegedly paid to secure spots on the team even if the student did not play soccer in high school.
“A teenage girl who did not play soccer magically became a star soccer recruit at Yale. Cost to her parents: $1.2 million.”- The New York Times
Two women at the center of the investigation are well-known actresses; Full House’s Lori Loughlin and Desperate Housewives Felicity Huffman.

Donna Heinel, USC’s Senior Associate Athletic Director, and renowned Water Polo Coach Jovan Vavic were fired by USC today after it was revealed they were also named in the bribery case.