
Video: Bob Johnson On How He Created BET & Dealing With Racism

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“Race and racism will always be here. It’s like rain. But you don’t just stop going out because it’s raining. You put on a rain coat, grab an umbrella and go do whatever you gotta do. That’s the way I look at racism. It’s like welcome to reality, it exist but don’t let it control your life. Don’t let it dominate what you are able to achieve.”

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]ob Johnson became the first Black billionaire after Viacom bought BET in 2000 for $3 Billion. Johnson remained CEO of the company until 2006. He was born in Mississippi to a father who was a farmer and a mother who was a schoolteacher. He moved with his family when he was a child to Illinois and attended Illinois State University, where he graduated with a social science degree in 1968. He went on to get his Masters from Princeton and worked in various communication jobs in Washington, D.C.

Video: MyBlackDiamondCinema

Slauson Girl is a South Central native who has a love for journalism, history and all things Hip-Hop. She holds a B.A in Critical Race & Gender Theory & a Minor in Journalism. Follow Me on IG @Slausongirl

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